DECLUTTER! ?? mascaras, brows, liners & more! ? MAKEUP ORGANISATION 2021

Beauty Trends News / shaaanxo
Autor: shaaanxo Publicado el: 13/07/2021
DECLUTTER! ?? mascaras, brows, liners & more! ? MAKEUP ORGANISATION 2021

OK my brain glitched out and I completely forgot that I havent filmed my bronzers and powders yet so thats next OK lol ? but here are my mascaras, eyeliners, eye primers, liquid eyeshadows, brow products and more! this drawer gets annihilated lol reaaal fast so this was calming to my soul ? ? a new holy grail powder, you can see it work on camera h...
See the full story in the original source
  • Fecha de publicación: 13-07-2021

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